哈哈!就只因这两个大原因,我便离开了之前做了将近四年的中小型公司!或许在那四年,都是以合约性质地被派到分别两间也算是大公司(NTU 南大和Ericsson/ Sony Ericson)工作,心中就是有种寄人篱下的感觉,觉得为何他人的福利如此优厚,听说一个书记的月薪都有新币三千多了,反观自己,就是那种郁郁不得志的下人,没花红,工资还被扣了两关。
这四年里,虽认识了很多人,却不代表朋友多, 或许做我们这一行的,团队成员不是很多(就是两个至五个这样),也或许不想顾客对自己有过份的“非分之想”,不知是有意或是无意的,就是跟他们有种距离感,不知是自己的自卑或谦卑所致,或是跟他们目标不一样,而没有那种出生入死的情谊,想多了。。
想放上你们的一些祝福(虽然你们都看不到)来监督自己,下一份工作,要好好地做了!看到的如大雄哥哥和Mr Bean,谢谢你们啦,这段日子得忍受我的臭屁气!写着写着,竟然就这样跨过了我的32。。。顺祝世界和平!还有我年年样子都如此地像二十多岁。。哈哈!
All the best in your future endeavor. Cheers (Adrian Lai)
Many thanks & .Good luck and erery success in your future endeavorrs ! (Ken Tan)
ALL THE BEST TO YOU ( Adeline Chee)
Wish you All the Best. ( Shirley Lim)
Wish you all the best and keep in touch... ( KL Chua)
All the best to you!!! ( Grace Lu)
All the best, Henry..(Cons Lee)
Good Luck and Take Care. ( LT Wong)
all the best keep in touch free call for drink ( Alvin Heah)
goodluck on your career and hope everything will goes well.
thanks also for your support and help. ( Analyn)
All the best!! ( Victoria Sii)
I would like to take this opportunity to wish you All The Best.
You had been very supportive and understanding.
May we meet at Tanjong Pagar, if there is a chance......
Take Care and I will add you on to my msn list... ( Hwee Leng)
I am surprise and sad to hear that you are leaving Flex~. However I am also glad to hear that you are having better career out somewhere.
Nice to work with you and appreciate your help for the past years and patient listening to our complaints. Do keep in touch. Wishing you all the best. Best regards (Kim Boon)
Hi ..
Suprising to hear tat u r leaving, sure ur buddy Sunny wil damn sad ba...
no more lunch partner ..........All da best in ur future career development. ( Angela Teo)
Hi Henry
All the best to you. Thanks for your help & stay in touch. MSN added. accept me bah..( Jessica)
Thank you very much for all the great IT support to me and everyone in the company, you are the best colleague that I have ever known in term of commitment and attitude, on behalf of the management, I would like to thank you for all the great work you have done for us.
KC Wong
Business Excellence Manager
i will miss u too dear. Hahahaha ( Sean Ang)
all the best sir :p ( Irma)
Hello Henry,
Good luck to you. If you open a computer shop in Malaysia let me know I will come to your shop...Have a nice day everyday ( Subramaniam)
Hi Henry,
It's been a pleasure working with you. All the best in your new venture.
Regards............Richard Teo
Hi Henry,
All the best in yr future endeavours. good luck. ( Elvin Tay)
Oh.... gone is our "Wei Ge".... will remember u ... Cheers & gd luck! ( Jenny Chan)
yr last day ???????????????????????????????? that's is very surprise. thks for all the assistance. ( Sunny Seng)
Hi Henry,
Thks very much for your help and support during last 2 years.
All the best, man!
Meng Qiu